
李 老师 2022年2月6日15:44:28创新科普知识评论1,539 次浏览310827字阅读36分5秒阅读模式




前文《茶 茯砖茶 全金花茯茶 茯茶素》(可点击阅读)中已简述了,茯茶素是用茶叶为原料,经冠突散囊菌(微生物真菌)专有创新技术完全发酵(发花)后获得。其中通过优势益生真菌充分释放胞外酶,可以将茶叶中难直接溶于水的数种微量元素成分,降解转化为易溶于水、能被人体吸收利用、细胞代谢必需的活性微量元素营养成分。



当前湘茶集团上市的“国奖”成果转化产品“臻溪·TNA茯茶素”,每公斤提取物中,大约含茶多酚239克、茶多糖221.5克、茶氨酸7.18克、维生素K1 0.352毫克、维生素B2 11.3毫克、叶酸1.1毫克、铁23.3毫克、锌29.4毫克、锰1720毫克、钙413毫克、镁2610毫克,铜、铬、钴、硒等元素含量均较高,另有许多新成分含量与分子结构尚待深入研究鉴定。































High-tech Teadenol herb creates a new path of health.

As described in the previous chapter of Tea Fuzhuan Tea full Golden Flower Teadenol (click to read), fuzhuan tea is obtained from tea leaves as raw materials through the complete fermentation (flower growth) with the proprietary innovative technology of coronopsis sp. (microbial fungi). Through the full release of extracellular enzymes by dominant probiotics, several trace elements in tea that are difficult to be directly dissolved in water can be degraded and transformed into active trace elements that are easily soluble in water and can be absorbed and utilized by the human body and necessary for cell metabolism.

This is a collection of secondary (secondary) pure natural compounds obtained through the enzymatic hydrolysis of the primary ingredients of tea by the original high-tech microbial fungal technology. We define this functional nutrient as Teadenol.

Hunan Tea Industry Group Co., LTD., with the achievements of "National Science and Technology Progress Award" led by Academician Liu Zhonghua, has created a new path for supplementing human body's relative deficiency but essential trace element nutrition, and applied it to human nutrition and health practice, helping people realize the healthy dream of high-quality and beautiful life!

"Zhenxi ·TNA Fu", the "National Prize" transformation product listed by Xiangcha Group, contains About 239 grams of tea polyphenols, tea polysaccharide 221.5 grams, theanine 7.18 grams, vitamin K1 0.352 mg, vitamin B2 11.3 mg, folic acid 1.1 mg, iron 23.3 mg, zinc 29.4 mg, manganese 1720 mg, calcium 413 mg, magnesium 2610 mg, copper, chromium, cobalt, selenium and other elements are high content. The contents and molecular structure of many new components remain to be further studied and identified.

In the traditional multi-brewing tea, we can only absorb and use tea polyphenols, tea polysaccharides, theanine and other primary functional components, while drinking high-tech Teadenol can directly absorb more essential trace elements and nutrients for human body.


70% of Chinese people are in sub-health.

The World Health Organization (WHO), based on nearly half a century of research results, defines "health" as "not only the absence of physical disease or infirmity, but also a complete physical, mental state and social adaptability". Only 15 percent of the population in China meets the definition of healthy (reported in 2019), with 15 percent suffering from disease and the remaining 70 percent suffering from "sub-health".

The 70% of people in the "sub-health" state usually do not have diseases or defects in organs, tissues or functions, but they feel uncomfortable, fatigued, unresponsive, less energetic and less adaptable, and suffer from anxiety, upset, boredom and helplessness from time to time. They feel very tired.

TCM Clinical Guidelines for Sub-health point out that sub-health is a state between health and disease. People in sub-health state, can not achieve the standard of health, performance for a certain period of time decreased vitality, functional and adaptive symptoms, but does not meet the modern medicine related to the disease of clinical or sub-clinical diagnostic criteria.

Sub-health is the same thing as "chronic fatigue syndrome," which is clinically unexplained, persistent or recurrent, and persists for six months or more.

The main characteristics of sub-health include:

1, reflected in the physical and mental symptoms, feelings, such as fatigue, weakness, mood change, the cause of the situation is difficult to clear.

2, with age does not adapt to the organizational structure or physiological function caused by a variety of weak performance.

3. Microecological imbalance can also be considered as microcirculation disorder and microlocal cell metabolism disorder.

4, some diseases before the physiological and pathological changes.


We should attach great importance to the deterioration of sub-health and the harm of chronic diseases.

The number of people in sub-health status in China is not only increasing, but also getting younger and younger. The trend of sub-health status worsening into serious diseases (life-threatening chronic diseases) is also accelerating.

Big data on health in 2016 shows that Chinese waistlines (obesity) are among the fastest growing in the world. The proportion of sub-health among white-collar workers in cities is as high as 76%, and 70% of them are at risk of overwork. Middle-aged and young women are prone to gynecological inflammation, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular chronic disease; Young and middle-aged men face sudden death, overwork and cancer; In China, 22% of middle-aged people die of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; The prevalence of chronic diseases has reached 20 per cent and 83 per cent of deaths have occurred; Various diseases show a trend of younger age.

Chinese medical big data: 1/3 of patients died from adverse drug reactions; The misdiagnosis rate of common diseases is about 27%, and that of serious diseases is as high as 40%. Nineteen of the 23 main actors in Thousand Hands are deaf and dumb due to adverse drug reactions.

A British study confirmed that 85% of drugs are ineffective and that the best thing for patients is to minimise intervention. American studies confirm that 30-40 per cent of operations are not needed at all; The highly developed modern medical system has little to do with human health, only about 10 percent.

Big data on adolescent health in China: the incidence of adolescent anemia is 38%; The incidence of fatty liver in obese children is 40% to 50%; Myopia rates were 32.5 percent in elementary schools, 59.4 percent in middle schools, 77.3 percent in high schools and 80 percent in universities. The protein intake of 270 million school students is only 65% of the standard; Severe deficiency of iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin intake.

Big data on health of middle-aged and elderly in China in 2020: The prevalence rate of people over 60 years old is more than 56%; By age 65, 30% of men and 20% of women develop severe disease; About 100 million patients with diabetes, 160 to 170 million people with hypertension and more than 100 million people with hyperlipidemia have been detected in China. Osteoporosis has become a common disease. Our country enters old age serious stage!


Sharing high-tech Teadenol nutrient innovation results, effectively curb the trend of sub-health deterioration.

Facing the huge number of people with sub-health status, we can only rely on scientific and technological innovation to find a new solution.

According to the analysis of the main characteristics of sub-health, it is mainly manifested in the chronic symptoms such as discomfort, fatigue, fatigue, bad mood, slow reaction, decreased taste, hearing and touch, poor adaptability and so on. These chronic symptoms that seriously affect the quality of People's Daily life are essentially caused by metabolic disorders in all kinds of cells that constitute the basic units of human organs.

The human begins to grow and develop from a fertilized egg cell, continuously dividing into groups of cells with different physiological functions to form tissues, which constitute organs, which constitute the human body. The human body consists of about 50 trillion cells. Different cells in the human body, in their different life cycle (ranging from a few days to a few years) will undergo replication and growth to natural apoptosis, which is a non-stop metabolic process. During the metabolic process from division and differentiation to apoptosis and disintegration, every cell must be supplied with complete nutritional components such as sugar, lipid, protein, water, salt and trace elements smoothly.

In current material living conditions, the supply of sugar, fat and protein is sufficient or even relatively excessive, and the supply of water and salt is also guaranteed, while the supply of essential trace elements and nutrients for human body is relatively insufficient or lacking. The long-term imbalance of various types of nutrition supply is the main reason for the imbalance of cellular metabolic nutrition supply in about 70% of the population in the whole life cycle of children, adolescents, youth, adults and the elderly, leading to the long-term existence of metabolic chronic diseases mainly characterized by non-bacterial chronic inflammation, that is, the subhealth state.

High-tech Teadenol, as a functional nutrition food, not medicine! , which is mainly composed of plant functional component is different from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is more different from the side effect to human body is given priority to with chemical composition of western medicine, by providing the necessary trace elements in human body cell metabolic pathways as the main characteristics of natural functional nutrition food, is to crack the bacterium sex slow disease (sub health is given priority to) innovation path, is completely different from against bacterial disease, western medicine in the scheme.

It has been proved by the practice that people from all walks of life drink proper amount (1 to 3 grams) of high-tech Teadenol every day that people of all ages can achieve the good characteristics of blood quality: "blood is bright red, clear, well flowing and no longer sticky", and the immune cell immunity remains strong. The "essence, qi and spirit" of the human body are flourishing and maintained, and various uncomfortable symptoms of sub-health gradually disappear, thus effectively curbing the worsening trend of sub-health.


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